Hi sara and lance. Sara i don't know if you remember me or not but I am a good friend of lance's and Sydney is my best friend.I have been bugging syd for awhile to get a blog going and so she sent me an email of yours. Me and a few friends have been doing it and would like to get more people involved. If you know my sister stephanie brinkerhoff she has one also. We didn't want to be viewing yours with out your permission. You can check mine out at www.macintoshfamily.blogspot.com and then link to stephs from their. Your boys are so cute I can see lance in your older one.You have a cute family.
Blake loves to dip red bell peppers in ranch, the first time I gave it to him this is waht I caught, he just wanted to drink the ranch I guess
Corbyn at Jackson Lake, Yellowstone
This is from our family vacation to Jackson Hole and yellowstone last summer
Fun in Hawaii
Blake loves his oranges
At Disneyland
Our trip to Disneyland before Christmas
My little artist
Corbyn got this drawing desk for his birthday and he loves to draw. I love it.
Spongebob and Patrick
My two boys all dresses up for Halloween
Sara and Lance Syrett
Lance and I have been married for 8 years, we have two boys, Corbyn and Blake and another boy on the way due in March. We live in Tropic, Ut, where Lance and I both work at Rubys Inn, their family business. Lance us currently the General Manager of Rubys Inn and Bryce View Lodge, and we are currenly building a third hotel, the Bryce Canyon Grand Hotel. Life is very busy for us, but we love it.
i think he looks like deez nuts...ha ha ha
when did corbyn become a little black boy?
Hi sara and lance.
Sara i don't know if you remember me or not but I am a good friend of lance's and Sydney is my best friend.I have been bugging syd for awhile to get a blog going and so she sent me an email of yours. Me and a few friends have been doing it and would like to get more people involved. If you know my sister stephanie brinkerhoff she has one also. We didn't want to be viewing yours with out your permission. You can check mine out at www.macintoshfamily.blogspot.com
and then link to stephs from their. Your boys are so cute I can see lance in your older one.You have a cute family.
hey bum flum, i just tagged you. the directions are on my blog.
sorry i think he looks like lance and blake looks like mikey. oh and guess what? your sisters pregnant...again!!! haha! jk.
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