So I totally suck at blogging.....So here it is about 6months of info in about one paragraph. Life has been real busy. Lance seems to be always gone on business trips, when he is home its great! Jaxon is 8 months old now. Ugh, he is so damn cute, he is crawling and has a real fun personality. Corbyn and Blake are as active as ever. Corbyn will be 5 in January and Blake will be 3 in December. We acquired a new dog a few months ago, his name is Harper and he is the brother to my sisters alaskan malamute. He has a lot of personality and thinks he is a little lap dog or kitty that can lay on your lap when your on the couch. Here are some pictures of us over the last few months.Jaxon protesting his bib...
Harper and Corbyn snuggling....
Jaxon being cute...
My boys hiking to mossy cave....
Cute little Jaxon...
Corbyn and Blake Cheesin it....
After picutre...
Before picture, Jaxons first hair cut....
Poor Blake.....
Jaxon before his first hair cut......
Blake fell asleep watching tv.....
here is our lap dog, again with Cindma....
Corbyn wanted to be really safe on his toy bike....
getting warm after sliding on the white trash slip and slide in our back yard...
all the boys snuggling...
Jaxon up on Cedar mountain getting family pics...
Hot mess+hot mess=hott sticky mess
Friday, November 6, 2009
Yeah I suck!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Easter and Stuff, yeah I suck at blogging lately!
Well, yeah I have sucked at blogging for the last few months, but I hav e a good excuse. So here's the last month in a flash......we blessed Jaxon on Easter, thus my whole family was up here except for matthew and michael. The kids all got to do an easter egg hunt in my yard, there was about 2 hours of decent weather that day, so we did it as fast as we could. Lance took a bunch of the boys and some smaller kids, my dad and bro in laws hiking around tropic. My mom and I spent most of the weekend cooking for Jaxons blessing, and Cindi's dog Sampson, a huge Alaskan Malamute spent most his time takign advantage of my handicap golden retriever Rusty, he's got a bum hip. All in all it was a lot of fun and here a a bunch of pictures from that weekend. Here's Cindi showing her attitude.....
Corbyn and Blake on Easter.....
Grandpa and Ellee with Sampson and his boy toy Rusty.....poor dog....
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Jaxin is 1 months old!!!!
Well, the last 4 weeks have been pretty busy for the Syrett family. Jaxon is one month old!!! I have been a slacker and havn't posted very much lately so here is an update. Jaxon had been such a good baby, it should be illegal. I guess I cant really complain cause my other two boys were pretty good babies too. Just my luck if I ever get a girl, she'll be the pain. Jaxon is just content to snuggle. If I could lay him on my chest all day he would stay there and never move. Lance thinks its a little unfair cause he doesnt do that with him, but who do you think he spends his whole day with. I just wish he would stay this size for a little bit longer, I dont like it when they get big. Surprisingly I have found that so far going from one to two was harder than going from two to three.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Baby Jaxon Updates
So I took Jaxon to his first doctors appointment yesterday, and the doctor says he is perfect. He did lose a little weight, he weighs 7lbs 13 oz now, but he says most babies lose between 8-10oz and he lost nine. Blake only lost 2 oz, but he was a baracuda baby. Jaxon also had jaundice and had to be put on lights at home, mainly from the bruising he got from being beat out of me. Doc says that he is okay now. Now I had to post someof these pictures for my sister ashley. She made him this little beanie and we all though he looked kind of like a thug in this outfit. But that goes with his complexion, cause he is alot darker than is brothers and everyone calls him my littel indian baby. My mom and I have been looking through pictures trying to figure out who he looks like more, and found he doesnt look a whole lot like his brothers, we found some of Aimees baby pictures and then some of her little girl Ellee and couldnt believe how much he looks like her. My mom says that Aimee must have made him cause he looks so much like her.So I kind of think he looks like his grandpa John in this picture, got that permanent frown going on.
He looks alot like Ellee, Aimees little girl in this picture. He's got that chinese/indian thing going.
These are for you Ashley, he's my little gangsta thug.
More of his gangsta thug look
So I had to put these pictures on here too. The day we came home from the hospital, my boys were at Lance's moms house and when she brought them home she told us he had hit his lip on their coffee table, but all night you couldnt really tell, then the next morning we wake up to this. It got so big his upper lip would sag.
Here you can see that not only his lip but part of his face was a bit swollen too, yeah he is a bit of a mess.